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Distributions and temporal changes of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene concentrations in newly decorated rooms in southeastern China, andthe health risks posed
发布者: 发布日期:2022-04-01 浏览次数:


Air samples were collected from 227 newly decorated rooms in southeastern China, between November 2014 and July 2017. Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) concentrations in the samples were determined. Temporal changes in the BTEX concentrations during decorating were investigated. Cancer and non-cancer risks posed by BTEX were evaluated. The mean BTEX concentrations decreased in the order xylene (0.476 ± 0.665 mg/m3) > benzene (0.327 ± 0.189 mg/m3) > toluene (0.325 ± 0.449 mg/m3) > ethylbenzene (0.140 ± 0.280 mg/m3). Benzene, toluene, and xylene concentrations in 86.7%, 42.7%, and 51.5%, respectively, exceeded Chinese regulatory standards. The BTEX concentrations positively correlated with temperature and humidity but negatively correlated with air pressure, and the highest concentrations were found in summer. The BTEX con centrations were higher in conference rooms and residences than classrooms and halls. The highest BTEX con centrations were found during painting and carpentry. The hazard quotient limit of 1 and the cancer risk limit of 1 × 10− 6 were exceeded in 91.2% and 85.0%, respectively, of the rooms, and benzene and xylene were the dominant contributors. The results suggested that newly decorated rooms should not be used too soon after decoration is completed.